Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tehri Dammed!

I like to think of the next few pages as my first attempt at a graphic novel.

They were created for a sociology project at law school last year. The booklet was showcased in a series of projects under the title "Violent Modernities".

cover page

page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

page 5

page 6

for added emphasis

last page- 7
Research/text- Preksha Malik.

Academic Support and Freedom- Oishik Sircar.

All of the artwork has been photographed by Utkarsh Mishra.

another notepad, another day. another whiny classmate.

rotring isographs do the trick.

the elusive eyes of the babu.

and a wispy hairclippy.

when pigs fly,
                                                                   nothing makes any sense.

pomegranate and raspberry teabags used as paint, lined with rotring.

the big head.
the tired shadow.


the politics of penmanship bear no relevance,

when men begin to seem as aloof as unseen backgrounds.
the grinch-worthy slurp.

                                            and bearded-smoke


when sesame street ceases to excite.

shady elephants and wrong birds.
                                            (unfinished) everyman everyman.
 these drawings have no agenda and no story. they've been made during lectures i sat/sit through in law school.

all the pieces have been slightly enlarged and are on various pages of my notebooks, created with black pens of various thickness.

absentminded symmetry

 this is meant to be viewed horizontally.

contemplating cyclops
 thinking too much someties means devolving and forgetting.

these five segments were orignally drawn on a single sheet, with a sense of continuity.

he waits.

he gesticulates.

 he waits while limbering up.

anxiety beckons.

eventually, he chooses primal relief.

                                            when you're in a dorm full of boys.

                                            simple humour and lack of porn.

frills attached.
shadows always make things feel more well thought-into.

don't you think?

a pocket knife with a usb-drive, a weird-blade, a joint, a matchstick and a penis.

nonsensical musings of a bored undergrad.

process primate.

dint start out as a gorrila though,

but couldn't have ended up as anything else.
                                                                                 view horizontally.

  i'm not a fan of clowns. scared me shitless when i was younger.

again, best viewed horizontally.

what dali dint bother thinking of,

floated out of the nib of the pen i used to make this.

it's a fishy old woman!

if frasier were shot in an obscure city of SF.

the building seems a touch too round though.